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Thursday 24 November 2016

Celtic could win Barcelona if we had Messi on our Side - Brendan Rodgers

The Barcelona Striker earned a brace in a Champions League match against Celtic at Parkhead on Wednesday, and according to Hoops boss, Messi is 'arguably the best player ever

Brendan Rodgers also also praised Barcelona forward Leo Messi and his football skills saying that Celtic would have a way better chance of winning against Barcelona if they had the Argentine striker on their side.

Messi scored all goals in Barcelona's 2-0 win against Celtic on Wednesday at the Celtic Park stadium after scoring a hat trick in their clash at Camp Nou back in September.

Leo Messi's absence was highly felt in Barcelona's clash with Malaga at Camp Nou which ended in a goalless draw in a match he missed due to illness

And former Liverpool manager Rodgers, speaking after the loss in Glasgow, was asked if Celtic would have a chance of upsetting Luis Enrique's heavyweights should Messi temporarily swap sides. 
"We'd have had a big chance," he said.
"It shows the difference he makes – you look at the game at the weekend [against Malaga]. Messi is arguably the greatest player ever, so when he plays in your team, he makes everyone else better. 
"He's a phenomenal player, an incredible player, and he always is hungry to score. His first goal was that run that he makes, and a wonderful finish. Our players will learn you can't give a player of that quality that space."

Messi now has 18 goals in domestic and European competition this season, with that return generated in just 15 appearances.

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